We have suggested a range of possibilities for how to deliver the learning outcomes, with possible formative assessments. Many of these could be also adapted to provide summative assessment.
Some of the learning outcomes identified in this curriculum are suitable for more traditional assessment using essays or short answers, either in examination conditions or by continuous assessment.
However, given the subject-matter of this curriculum, course leaders may consider it more appropriate for summative assessment of this module to be based around a significant practical component. If a placement or other practical component is incorporated, then typically a report would enable many of the learning outcomes to be measured. This report might be structured, to ensure specific LOs are assessed. Other assessment formats include:
A final report to be presented to an actual or imagined placement organisation/client, to address a situation or problem.
A reflexive account of a practical activity undertaken during the module, using sociological frameworks, concepts and theories to illustrate an applied sociology approach.
A portfolio of work (report, reflection, blog articles, video) relevant to the curriculum in applied sociology.
Secondary analysis of data, to inform an applied sociology issue.
An essay on a problem that, according to the literature or media, impacts on an organisation or community.